Too often we buy a shoe that is so comfortable and well-made, yet when we go to buy it again, we find out that the manufacturer stopped production. When you have been in business as long as we have ( 62 years and going strong ), you often are able to still have some of these hard to find items that are still relevant and desirable. Such is the case with the important category of Tap Sneakers.
Bloch and Capezio made Tap Sneakers through the years, but no longer do so. The companies stop making them because they couldn't reproduce them at the original pirice point. Yet at Teddy Shoes, we still have stock and have kept the original selling price. The inventory of these treasured shoe products are posted online – Here are three styles that we offer:
Capezio’s Horace
- three quarter cut premium leather
- Quite comfortable, durable and flexible
- Single screw Rayow Teletone 2 taps produce great sound
Capezio’s Josh

- low-cut leaher and mesh
- padded collar and non-marking outsole
- great support and excellent sound
Bloch’s Hammer
- Lightweight, flexible and hard to find
- Bloch’s Techno taps produce good sound.
Our inventory is deep; our service is superb, and our Central Square location is excellent. Your search ends here. If you can't find it at Teddy's, it probably doesn't exist.
Steve Adelson
Owner – Teddy Shoes, Inc.